The Birth

July 17th 9.05am

Arrive at hospital to begin the process of induction. As I already know that I was 3-4cm dilated I was hoping to just have my waters broken to kick things off. When we arrived I was monitored & then began the wait.

July 17th 4pm

Midwife finally examines me & tells me I may not be able to have my waters broken as she’s not sure my cervix is favourable.

July 17th 6pm

After demanding to go home if they aren’t going to break my waters the midwife has a change of heart. Says as soon as delivery suite gets quiet she will do it.

July 17th 6.30pm

Send OH home to help get DS settled for bed, telling him I’ll call him if they come to break my waters.

July 17th 7pm

Midwife arrives to tell me that she’ll break waters in next 30 minutes or so.
She hooks me up to the monitors. I message OH who says he’ll be back ASAP.

July 17th 8pm

Midwife breaks my waters. Thankfully they are clear as there was a worry that with baby being overdue that meconium may have been present.

July 17th 8.10pm

Have my first strong contraction that I use breathing techniques to get through as I’m still strapped to the monitor so can’t move.

July 17th 8.20pm

Contractions start building in closeness & intensity. Thankfully get taken off the monitor. Feel the need to poop.

July 17th 8.40pm

OH arrives back at the hospital. Is pleased to see me in pain (only because it means things are happening). I go to the bathroom & have lots of diarrhoea.

July 17th 9pm

Back from bathroom & contractions are coming every 2 minutes & are becoming hard to cope with. I press the button to get the midwife. Midwife comes & offers me pethidine, which I refuse. I ask to have a bath to see if water will help.

July 17th 9.20pm

Get into bath. If anything contractions become harder to cope with & I begin to panic.

July 17th 10pm

I get out of the bath & move to the delivery suite with my midwife. I ask for an epidural. Told the anesthetist is in theatre & it may be an hour.

July 18th midnight

Still no sign of my epidural & I’m becoming frantic. Gas & air has already been discarded as although it helped at the time it had made me sick.
OH was helping get me in different positions & was reminding me to breathe. I was getting unbearable pressure in my bum & was pushing through contractions.

July 18th 1am

Finally got my epidural sited. Once it kicked in I was able to rest. Midwife checked me & I was fully dilated & head was descending nicely. We agreed to wait an hour or so for the epidural to wear off a bit & the head to move down further.

July 18th 4am

Begin serious pushing. Feeling some pain from a foot wedged under my ribs. Baby is moving down but cannot get passed the bend.

July 18th 5am

Still haven’t managed to push baby passed the bend & I’m getting very worn out.

July 18th 5.30am

Doctors fill the room & tell me they will assist the delivery with a ventouse suction machine.
I freak out as I had that with DS & it resulted in me suffering a 3rd degree tear. The doctor tells me he can’t promise it won’t happen again but he’ll try his best to avoid it.

July 18th 5.45am

Begin pushing with the aid of the OB & ventouse machine. OB performs an episiotomy.

July 18th 5.49am

My baby boy arrives. He is put straight onto my chest, screaming his head off. The 1st thing he does is piss all over his daddy.

thankfully I don’t require much repair work, my placenta arrives fairly easily & I don’t have to go to theatre like last time. Overall I’m left feeling so much more positive & not traumatised at all.

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1 Response to The Birth

  1. Sarah says:

    I can’t believe you had to wait around all day for your midwife to break your water! Other than that, I am so glad you had a great birth experience this time! Congrats!!

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