An exciting announcement


Yes you read that right I am PREGNANT.

I found out a few weeks ago. I was very surprised to say the least. I mean we were trying but I haven’t been ovulating since my miscarriage last December, so I’d all but given up hope of conceiving without the assistance of Clomid.

The morning I found out was Sunday 30th October.
I’d woken up in tears after a vivid, terrifying dream about my miscarriage. Once I was up I felt a bit nauseous and was on CD44 so though I’d POAS just to see.
Well when it was + I was so surprised. So was OH. His first reaction to the news was “how?”.
We decided not to say anything for a while after what happened last time. Only a few family members and friends know.
I am quite unsure of my dates but going from my last period I am currently 8 weeks +3.
The reason I feel semi confident to reveal now is that my morning (pah, all day) sickness has kicked in.
I had hideous sickness with DS but none with my lost pregnancy so I’m hoping with all my heart that this is going to turn out ok.

Also if the worst was to happen I would need you all to support me as you were invaluable last time and got me through the heartache and stress.

I won’t know if everything is all ok for certain until my scan which is scheduled for Dec 14th. I should be around 12 weeks by then.

My priority at the moment is surviving this (horrible but reassuring) pregnancy sickness and trying to look after myself as best I can.

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The Birth

July 17th 9.05am

Arrive at hospital to begin the process of induction. As I already know that I was 3-4cm dilated I was hoping to just have my waters broken to kick things off. When we arrived I was monitored & then began the wait.

July 17th 4pm

Midwife finally examines me & tells me I may not be able to have my waters broken as she’s not sure my cervix is favourable.

July 17th 6pm

After demanding to go home if they aren’t going to break my waters the midwife has a change of heart. Says as soon as delivery suite gets quiet she will do it.

July 17th 6.30pm

Send OH home to help get DS settled for bed, telling him I’ll call him if they come to break my waters.

July 17th 7pm

Midwife arrives to tell me that she’ll break waters in next 30 minutes or so.
She hooks me up to the monitors. I message OH who says he’ll be back ASAP.

July 17th 8pm

Midwife breaks my waters. Thankfully they are clear as there was a worry that with baby being overdue that meconium may have been present.

July 17th 8.10pm

Have my first strong contraction that I use breathing techniques to get through as I’m still strapped to the monitor so can’t move.

July 17th 8.20pm

Contractions start building in closeness & intensity. Thankfully get taken off the monitor. Feel the need to poop.

July 17th 8.40pm

OH arrives back at the hospital. Is pleased to see me in pain (only because it means things are happening). I go to the bathroom & have lots of diarrhoea.

July 17th 9pm

Back from bathroom & contractions are coming every 2 minutes & are becoming hard to cope with. I press the button to get the midwife. Midwife comes & offers me pethidine, which I refuse. I ask to have a bath to see if water will help.

July 17th 9.20pm

Get into bath. If anything contractions become harder to cope with & I begin to panic.

July 17th 10pm

I get out of the bath & move to the delivery suite with my midwife. I ask for an epidural. Told the anesthetist is in theatre & it may be an hour.

July 18th midnight

Still no sign of my epidural & I’m becoming frantic. Gas & air has already been discarded as although it helped at the time it had made me sick.
OH was helping get me in different positions & was reminding me to breathe. I was getting unbearable pressure in my bum & was pushing through contractions.

July 18th 1am

Finally got my epidural sited. Once it kicked in I was able to rest. Midwife checked me & I was fully dilated & head was descending nicely. We agreed to wait an hour or so for the epidural to wear off a bit & the head to move down further.

July 18th 4am

Begin serious pushing. Feeling some pain from a foot wedged under my ribs. Baby is moving down but cannot get passed the bend.

July 18th 5am

Still haven’t managed to push baby passed the bend & I’m getting very worn out.

July 18th 5.30am

Doctors fill the room & tell me they will assist the delivery with a ventouse suction machine.
I freak out as I had that with DS & it resulted in me suffering a 3rd degree tear. The doctor tells me he can’t promise it won’t happen again but he’ll try his best to avoid it.

July 18th 5.45am

Begin pushing with the aid of the OB & ventouse machine. OB performs an episiotomy.

July 18th 5.49am

My baby boy arrives. He is put straight onto my chest, screaming his head off. The 1st thing he does is piss all over his daddy.

thankfully I don’t require much repair work, my placenta arrives fairly easily & I don’t have to go to theatre like last time. Overall I’m left feeling so much more positive & not traumatised at all.

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Spot the difference

I am 16 weeks + 2 days pregnant today. I’m really starting to feel pregnant too. The little one is moving about quite often and even though I’ve done this before the feeling is still a bit strange.
So far this pregnancy is quite similar to my pregnancy with DS.
Same bad morning sickness.
Same bad exhaustion (although I think it’s more so now, but I do have a toddler to look after).
Same massive increase in appetite although my cravings differ slightly (seem to be craving dairy a lot earlier than last time).
Same aches and pains, sciatica, hip and SPD are making a comeback.
The differences include;
Hair loss, am losing a lot right now but none last time.
Skin, have broken out in spots on my face however last time my skin actually cleared up.

Here are 2 bump pictures. The 1st one taken today and the 2nd during my first pregnancy with DS at 16 weeks.



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My Birth Story

I have never written up my birth story from when I had DS.  Its been almost 3 years and I find myself thinking back to it often, more so now I find myself pregnant again.

Watching ‘One Born Every Minute’ last week has got me seriously thinking about my plans for my next birth (planning a waterbirth).  The poor young girl in the show (the one with the twat of a boyfriend) had a very similar experience to me, and watching her baby struggling to breathe really bought it all back.

If you are squeamish or think a traumatic birth story may trigger you please stop reading here.

I was 2 days past my EDD and I was fed up of being pregnant. I’d been to see my midwife that morning and had begged her to get the baby out. I’d told her how I had tried everything to induce labour, even having sex the previous night to start things off.

She told me that she would book me in for a cervical sweep in 5 days time if I still hadn’t delivered.

I walked from the surgery to the local shops to pick up some lunch (5 mins there & 5 mins home again) and it took me an hour and a half as i had so much pressure and needed to sit down after every few steps.

When I got home and used the bathroom I noticed I’d lost my mucus plug. I was very excited and called my partner, mum and basically everyone to tell them.

A couple of hours later (around 2pm) my contractions started.  They were very mild. Like period cramps and were around 15 minutes apart. I called my other half to let him know. He asked if I needed him to come home. I told him that the contractions weren’t painful and to stay at work.

Around 4pm I walked around the corner to my mums for dinner. By this point the contractions were pretty uncomfortable and every 12 minutes. I knew that it was important to eat something to build my strength up for what was looking like a long evening. So inbetween painful contractions I ate a massive plate of spaghetti.

At 6pm my mum walked me home, OH was home from work and was surprised to see me in obvious discomfort.  I called the hospital and was told to have a bath and take a paracetomol and come in when the contractions were less than 5 minutes apart and/or my waters broke.

OH ran me a bath and it really helped with the pain. I stayed in the tub till the water went cold, I got out and I was in some serious pain.  We attached the TENS machine but made no difference (since learnt I attached it too late).

My contractions were 6 minutes apart so I called the hospital again and the midwife on the phone could obviously tell I was in extreme pain so said I can come in whenever I want.

The 30 minute drive to the hospital took forever. Once we arrived (8.30pm), we were shown into a delivery room and introduced to the midwife and her student who would be looking after me.

The midwife examined me and I was surprised to learn I was already 4cm dilated and in established labour. They explained all the pain relief options should I decide I want any but told me that for now I should use gas and air (entonox) and try to move about into various positions to help. I just asked for a bath as the water was really soothing. I refused the gas and air as I was certain it’d make me puke.

I stayed in the bath till about 11pm, after which I was told by the midwives to come out as they can’t maintain the temperature of the water. Once I got out the pain I felt was incredible. The examined me again and I was told I was 6cm dilated.

At this point I begged, with various sobs and swearing involved for an epidural. The midwives had me sign the waiver and called the anesthetist. Thankfully he was with us very quickly and the epidural was placed. It took about 20 minutes for it to work.

I was put on a drip and a catheter was inserted.

I was then told to try and sleep and that they’d check me in a few hours.

I dozed on and off, whist OH tried to get some sleep on a large beanbag. At around 5am I was checked again and was told I was 9 and a half cm dilated and it was almost time to start pushing.

At this point for some inexplicable reason my epidural was topped up.

45 minutes later I started pushing. I couldn’t feel a thing. I was being told when I was contracting and I pushed hard. They told me they could see his head but it was stuck at a certain point. I kept trying and trying until I just had no more energy.

At 7am the midwives shift changed and I got two new ones.  Soon after they arrived I was told my baby was in distress and they were calling up the OBGYN to assist.

At 7.34am my son was pulled from my vagina using a ventouse machine. He didn’t cry. He was whisked straight into the care of the Doctors who seemed to be working on him forever. I was screaming, asking what was wrong. They ignored me. OH was in tears. The OB was telling me to try and push my placenta out, I was ignoring her as I was too distraught with worry about my baby. I was also told at this point I’d suffered a third degree tear and that I’d need surgery.

Finally my baby cried, he was wrapped in a towel and passed to me for our first cuddle. I held him for  5 minutes then had to pass him to my OH as I needed to vomit.

Then they began topping up my epidural yet again and prepping me for surgery.  I was wheeled away into theatre where the doctors manually removed my placenta and stitched me up. I have no idea how long I was in there for, only remember the doctor finishing and telling me that my “rear end was as good as new” like I was some old car he’d banged a few dents out of, rather than a young woman who had just been through a traumatic birth.

The events of that day and the 3 days I remained in hospital whilst my baby was jaundiced were the most upsetting and scary days of my life and I beleive contributed to the reasons why I developed severe post natal depression.




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Early Christmas Gift

This morning I had the appointment I was both excited for yet also dreading.

My 12 week NT scan.

I’m thankful to say that it all went well.
Baby appeared straight away, I noticed immediately how much larger and more developed it was since my emergency scan at 9w +3.

The technician really did a thorough check, not just the usual measurements and checking the nuchal fold. She actually showed us the hands, feet, bladder, brain and heart.
She said everything looked beautiful and that the heartbeat was strong and fast.

At one point we even saw our baby with its hand to its mouth as if it was sucking its thumb.

We now have a actual estimated due date which is 5th July 2012.


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Scary weekend

On Saturday evening I thought I’d miscarried our baby.
Sudden pain then lots of blood had me convinced.
Saturday night as I writhed in pain I lost hope.

Sunday morning I was relieved the bleeding had slowed.
When the pain didn’t return I relaxed a little.
When I went to bed Sunday night hope hadn’t returned.

Monday morning when I booked my scan I was terrified.
I was relieved that the the blood was old and there wasn’t much of it.
After spending 30 minutes reacquainting myself with the toilet bowl I wondered why I was still getting morning sickness.

As I entered the hospital I started freaking out as memories from my miscarriage came flooding back.
I was thankful that I wasn’t kept waiting long.
Anyway to cut a long story short…….


my baby, 8wks +6

Apart from a cyst on my right ovary everything looks normal. They have no idea why I bled but said there were no clots left in my uterus.

So now I just have to relax and wait and hope.

Thank you all for your support and help over this weekend. I’m not sure I could have made it without my twitter pals.

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Ghosts of Christmas Past

When I discovered I was expecting a baby, my immediate reaction prior to surprise (I was on birth control pills) was pure excitement.
I couldn’t wait to celebrate all those milestones and firsts with my child.
In fact I’d frequently daydream whilst pregnant about all the magical Christmas days we’d have.

Then I had DS and the reality was quite different.

Christmas 2009

DS was 6 months old for his 1st Christmas day. I tried so so hard to make it special for him and for me. I did the tree, took him to see Santa, spent too much on toys he wouldn’t appreciate for months.
Unfortunately I was at that point, in the grip of debilitating post natal depression. I was a sad, paranoid, stressed out and anxious mess. Every comment made by my in laws was backhanded and bitchy (this may have or have not been paranoia), and the whole day was spent fighting back tears of despair.

Thankfully I sought help in the new year and managed to beat PND with the help of a sympathetic doctor and some Prozac.

After I’d beaten the worst of my PND I became broody.
This was around the time of DS’s 1st Birthday which I believe is a fairly common broodiness trigger for lots of women.
I talked about it in depth with my OH and we agreed we’d start trying in the July/August of 2010.

When I got my BFP in the November I was thrilled. I was so looking forward to the festive period, really desperate to make up for the shitty one the previous year.

As December rolled around and the snow fell I felt so happy playing outside and building snowmen with now 18 month old DS.

Until the accident.

Whilst microwaving some pumpkin soup (craving) I ended up dropping the pot and very badly scalding my arm, hand and chest. I was in the worst pain I have ever been in and I went into shock.
I took no pain relief as I was 7 weeks pregnant and was terrified it’d hurt my baby.

Christmas 2010

By the time Christmas Eve arrived my burns were less painful and I was almost 11 weeks pregnant and was beginning to get excited.
After doing lots of housework in preparation for the big day I noticed some brown spotting after using the bathroom. It freaked me out a bit but I’d had something similar in my last pregnancy so wasn’t too worried.

Christmas morning was special. Watching my son so excitedly opening presents was amazing and to top things off my heavily pregnant sister in law was in the beginnings of labour.

During dinner I felt a bit funny, I went to the bathroom and discovered I’d been bleeding. Of course I freaked out. I called the Early Pregnancy Unit (EPU) at my hospital but being Christmas they were shut.
I phoned NHS Direct who got me an appointment with an emergency GP.

So Christmas afternoon myself and OH spent waiting to see a doctor who told me to go to Accident & Emergency to try and get a scan.

We spent all evening in A&E. I was examined by an OB/GYN who diagnosed a “threatened miscarriage”. I was told they had no one available to scan me.

Well the following 3 days were the worst of my life. I was back at hospital on Boxing Day. Then admitted with contractions the day after.
I was finally scanned on the 28th and my uterus was empty. I’d lost my baby.

So now we are fast approaching Christmas 2011.

Although things appear to be getting back to normal with my fertility (I think/hope) I am very fearful about falling pregnant before Christmas.
The idea of potentially having another hideous Christmas makes me cry. I just want to have a happy day with my family.
Memories from last Christmas alone are going to be painful enough.

This fear has just hit me and has me very anxious.

I’m not sleeping and am considering not TTC till January even though my uterus is aching to carry a small life again.

The ghosts of Christmas’ Past are haunting me. I wish I had a ghost of Christmas Future to reassure me everything will be ok.

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What’s going on?

After visiting the doctor for what feels like the millionth time regarding my lack of periods and therefore lack of fertility I actually left the surgery feeling positive.
We had a plan of action. I would use Provera to bring on a period and then chart like crazy with BBT and OPK’s, then go for a hormone detecting blood test on CD21.
Then depending on the results we would discuss my options.
So I began taking my 5 day course of Provera on CD50. (The past 2 cycles I used it my period arrived 8days and 2 days after my last pill) however, at this moment in time I am on CD65 and still no bleeding.
The past few days I have had occasional pink tinged CM and plenty of cramps but no sign of anything more substantial.
My temps the past few mornings have been high but today it was sky high.
So much so that Fertility Friend believes I may have ovulated.


So what do you guys think? My chart is a total mess and I think this is down to the fact my cycle is stuck pre ovulation but I won’t know for sure until I get to my CD21 blood test.

I’m just so super frustrated. I think if my period doesn’t come over the weekend I will have to go back to the doctor for the millionth and one time.

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Ten things you don’t know about Me

Ok, I have never done one of these meme type posts but I was linked to one by the lovely theboyandme.

and I thought I’d give it a go.

  1. I can’t drive.  This is purely down to being lazy.
  2. I have no idea what my ‘real’ hair colour is anymore.  I have been dying it various shades since I was 14.
  3. I was at Live8 and danced with stoned hippies during Robbie Williams performance.
  4. I never want to have a ‘wedding’.  If I ever get married I will be eloping.
  5. I was a teenage delinquent.  I once had to go to magistrates court for truancy.
  6. I haven’t had an alcoholic drink in the last 8 years.
  7. I once emptied my bank account with 2 weeks  until payday and spent the whole lot on a handbag.  It was a beautiful handbag though.
  8. I am terrified of butterflies.
  9. I own over 30 pairs of jeans yet only 4 pairs actually fit me.
  10. I once fought a mugger for my handbag and I won.

So there you are, ten things I’m pretty certain none of you know.

What don’t I know about you?





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What now?

I HATE my body. Not only would it not keep me pregnant now it won’t even let me get pregnant!

Today is cycle day 43. I am NOT pregnant. I don’t believe I even ovulated.

I went back to the doctor yesterday. He told me my miscarriage may be still effecting my fertility even though it was 7 months ago.

He is sending me for an ultrasound to make sure there is no obvious reason for my lack of ovulation before referring me to a ‘specialist’.

I miscarried at 11wks pregnant over Christmas. I didn’t get my period until mid March. The following cycle we started TTC again. That cycle lasted 76 days! I had some blood work done and was told I hadn’t ovulated and my cycle was stuck. Doctor prescribed Provera to “kick start” my cycles. I used it for 2 cycles and I even think I may have ovulated on the last cycle we used Provera.

That brings me to this point in time.

All I want is a brother or sister for my son.
Why does it have to be so hard?

Has anyone ever found themselves in a similar situation? What was the outcome?

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